BOCŞAN Nicolae, BICAN Ioana, BAUMGARTEN Alexander
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SUMMARY: The present study analyses the cognitive map of the modernist city, as reflected in the philosophical and literary works of the Romanian writer Lucian Blaga. The urban space of the 1930s is thus mirrored by the textual representation as a subject and object of perception, not only as a mundane space but also as an intellectual space reflecting a quest for the national identity. By considering the spiritual movement of ideas în Romanian literary field of its time, Blaga elaborates an original school of thought conceived as the embodyment of the ethnical subconscious that intertwines the national cutural memory with European and universal cultural patterns în orded to show how the sense of space is one of the most important feature that defines and shapes every national culture. Carved în the evolution of the cultural and political memory the modernist Romanian city is once more the object of discovery, remembering and recognition, the subject of transition and becoming.
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