COTRĂU Diana, COTOC Alexandra, PAPUC Oana
An introduction to internet linguistics : the cultural sociolinguistic take with case studies

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SUMMARY: The goal of this volume is to provide students in and of linguistics in general, but particularly those enrolling in the Internet Linguistics course we have designed for an MA programme at the Faculty of Letters of Babeș- Bolyai University of Cluj, with an argument for the application of the Cultural Sociolinguistic approach to this domain of linguistics. Our end objective has dictated a simple and straightforward structure for what we have also designed as a vehicle for publicising a selection of productions by student graduates in the course and a set of invited contributions by academics with core or subsidiary interests in the field. The volume, therefore, comprises two sections, with the one, an introductory theoretical study by the editors, the other, a compilation of invited papers and graduate productions. This, we feel, is a transparent narrow-targeting of the current and potential students in the course abovementioned, as well as of the community of scholars of Internet Linguistics across the meridians of academia.
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