An Introduction to Museum Marketing Communication in the Digital Age

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SUMMARY: I am not a specialist in the field of museums and museography, but this paper aims to provide ideas and a basis for discussion from the perspective of the marketing specialist with practical experience in the food & drink industry, of which almost 13 years in the beer industry. However, I did like history as a child, and later I discovered the pleasure of visiting art museums. Since October 2012 my entire activity takes place at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Faculty of Sociology and Communication, where I teach Marketing, Brand Management, and other disciplines related to marketing, branding, and marketing communication, so it was quite normal for me to look for and find current examples to illustrate these courses and seminars, even during museum visits. I would be glad to know that museum specialists will have found ideas in this book, which is addressed primarily to students in Communication and Public Relations, Digital Media, and master students in Brand Image Campaign Management. Several subjects from the disciplines I teach are described here, but I have chosen to approach them only from the perspective of the museums category.
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