ASLAN Margareta
Ibrahim Müteferrika: a young man from Cluj in the Sublime Porte`s Administration Structure

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SUMMARY: brahim Müteferrika, who had such a significant place in Ottoman cultural life, was born in Cluj, Romania, in 1674 or a few years before. There is no information about his real name and family. The Catholic priest Imre Karacson, one of the first to study him, writes that Müteferrika was a Calvinist and that he converted to Islam after being captured in 1692 or 1693. However, recent studies recognise that he was a Unitarian and that he converted to Islam voluntarily after graduating in 1689. It is also known that in the days he lived in Cluj, all those working in the printing industry were Unitarians. In 1689, Mihail Kiss, who was then a type founder, founded the most important Unitarius printing house of the time in Koloszvar (Cluj).