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By accessing, visiting, or using the website editura.ubbcluj.ro, or the services further named or provided by editura.ubbcluj.ro, you as a user agree with the terms and conditions of use as stated below.


Cluj University Press offers you free access to the website editura.ubbcluj.ro and authorizes you (by certain sections below as well as by the password received upon initial login) to view, print, or send existing information from the website. Only non-commercial use is authorized.


1.1. The user accesses the site editura.ubbcluj.ro and the services it provides at his or her own risk.
1.2. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS is not responsible for the possible mistakes or oversights on the edited articles from the site.
1.3. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS does not guarantee the content and information that may be used or available from the site. Information is current at the time it was added or uploaded to the editura.ubbcluj.ro website, but is subject to change.
1.4. The use of editura.ubbcluj.ro and its services is the user’s exclusive responsibility. The user is also responsible for the accuracy of the personal data he or she to obtain a log in at the point of registration.
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1.10. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS Cluj University Press reserves the right to at any time change the term and conditions for use of the website. The new terms and conditions will be available for user review when they are added to the site. Any additions to the terms and conditions do not work retroactively. 


2.1. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS and its partners have the entire copyright for the existing information on the site editura.ubbcluj.ro. That means that none of the documents from the site can be partially or entirely duplicated or changed without getting the written approval from CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS and its partners.
2.2.The content of this site, the texts, graphics, pictures, software, logos, and any other presented material on editura.ubbcluj.ro are protected by copyright law and are owned by CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS and its partners. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS and its partners.
2.3.It is forbidden to create a link to the editura.ubbcluj.ro website without the expressed written consent of CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS. If a link to the website exists without the aforementioned consent, CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS does not and will not accept responsibility for the websites providing links to editura.ubbcluj.ro or for the documents posted to the website by unauthorized persons. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS reserves the right to press charges for actions of this nature to the furthest extent the law allows.
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2.7. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS reserves the right to obstruct by any and all means the access and use of the editura.ubbcluj.ro website. If there is proof of the intention to destroy, the successful destruction of, or amendment to the website, its contents, or its security, the press reserves the right to press charges against any and all persons involved in the violation of the terms and conditions. This includes any attempts to or actions that discredit CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS, its partners, products, services, or employees.
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3.1. The CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS may only collect personal information if the information details are given by the user voluntarily.
3.2.The provision of the information required for use of the website and the associated services acts as the user’s approval for the aforementioned data to be used and for the user to be identified and contacted in accordance with law 676/2001.
3.3. The confidentiality law and its details were established by the Romanian legislation. All litigation will attempt to be resolved amicably within 30 business days from the registration of the complaint.
3.4.The collection of personal data
3.4.1. Personal data will be collected and used solely for the following purposes: For statistics and reports regarding the site’s users For the acquisition of data regarding the manner in which information and services are provided, utilized, and to measure customer satisfaction For the distribution of services such as the newsletter, current events, editorial events and book launchings, press statements, information regarding promotions, or any kind of marketing strategies regarding products users have asked for or purchased. For obtaining access to special access sections of the website For the delivery of subscriptions orders purchased online through electronic payment.
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3.4.6. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS may reveal personal data to third person parties if it is requested by law, or if special circumstances arise and third person parties receive proper authorization, or are eligible to receive information due to patrimonial partnerships.
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3.4.8.The user has the right to request information from CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS. All requests must be done in writing and sent to CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS, Str. B.P. Hasdeau 51 or via e-mail to editura@aditrua.ubbcluj.ro. Upon receipt of the written request, CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS has the responsibility to:

  • confirm it uses the requesters data without cost for a yearly request
  • change, update, block, or delete any anonymous data not in accordance with the request of law 677/2001 without cost
  • cease the use of the user’s personal data if so requested

3.5. Guarantee of user rights
3.5.1. In accordance with law 677/2001, users of the CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS website are guaranteed the following rights: The right to be informed The right to access requested data as well as to receive, upon written request and without any cost, an assessment of whether or not data are processed by the database operator. A user is eligible to request this information on a yearly basis. right to interfere as well as to submit a written request to the data operator for the following information or actions, which will be provided to the user at no cost: To change, update, block, or delete incomplete, inexact, or illegal proceedings or processes. To change illegal personal data to anonymous status To notify third person parties regarding any changes made in accordance with and The right to oppose or dispute in the form of a written request, which will be processed at no cost, the handling and processing of the user’s personal data. All disputes must be based on legal and justifiable reasons associated with the user’s individual situation. The right to appeal to justice, including the right to ask for protection against any unlawful activity or violation of rights. right to submit a complaint to the supervising authorities.


4.1. CLUJ UNIVERSITY PRESS reserves the right to amend, adjust, add or edit these terms and conditions at any time. Any and all changes will be posted and will be effective at the time they are made available on this website.

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