STANCIU Ionuț Dorin
Applying technology acceptance modeling to social networking. A psychosocial extension and partial validation of existing theories

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REZUMAT: This book presents the research that I performed during my doctoral studies in Psychology at Babeș-Bolyai University. I dare say that the topic is pertinent, important, and current. Moreover, all current signs favor the prediction that our interactions in virtual environments are only going to increase, both in volume or intensity and in complexity. Hence, the need for more studies on the topic. I wanted to do more than a simple study on people’s usage of social networks. I wanted to show that the existing models are somewhat limited if they disregard the personal factors, and in doing so, I also wanted to provide a comparative view on the current methodologies of studying the acceptance of said social networks. I believe I achieved both these aims, and now, a few years after, I can see I was right. Things change rapidly in research and our models need more validation and more consistency than ever. The amazing advancements in computational technologies, in general, and in machine learning, in particular, increased our abilities to make predictions to unprecedented levels. However, one must never forget that science has two main aims.
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