Over thirty years ago there emerged a couple of trends within business which were somewhat peripheral but still important. The first was Business Ethics which focused on the ethics of the individual in business. The second was environmental where issues around the environment where macro and seen as an issue for government. While both were important, there was a gap in the market which eventually became called Corporate Social Responsibility [CSR]. This is probably one of the first books to provide comparable national profiles that describe the evolution and practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Romania. Sorin Blaga has helped us in two ways. First he has produced in Chapters 1 and 2 a readable synopsis of exactly what Corporate Responsibility is. So often when new concepts emerge they become showed in a language of the insider. Sorin has helped us navigate past that. Chapter 3 constricts CSR down to a broad European context and out of that milieu he focuses on his case study of Romania. This book is an important contribution to what many would consider as a peripheral issue but clearly will become more and more central to the operation of both the
corporate world and general society in the years ahead. From this perspective the book is an important contribution to understand where Romania is situated in regards to CSR and what is needed to do to move forward. Dr. Jeffrey Cohen, FRSA,
University of Western Sydney, Australia. |