POP Raluca
An Intercultural Perspective in Teaching the Didactics of the English Language

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REZUMAT: The intended audience for this book targets pre-service teachers, teacher trainers and practicing teachers who teach English as a foreign language. This book provides, to every audience group, relevant theoretical groundings that support the need to build intercultural communicative competence in the foreign language classroom. Throughout this book, emphasis has been placed on the need to redesign teacher education programmes in order to address the pedagogical changes that multilingual and multicultural classrooms generate. Various practical activities included in this book are meant to develop readers’ content pedagogical knowledge and reflective attitudes towards possible research directions that can foster an understanding of how theory can impact practice. This book addresses also practicing teachers and teacher trainers who teach other subjects but who make use of a foreign language as a tool to teach the subject matter. These teachers use language, implicitly or explicitly, as a cultural tool and therefore, they should become more cognizant of the social and cultural context that might influence both their teaching and choice of tasks and resources. Reference is made sometimes to the Romanian National Curriculum when discussing some theoretical aspects. Finally, this book is useful for al
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