VOINA Andreea Nicoleta
Effective Communication in Sustainable Societies ISCC 2018: Pandemic Edition

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REZUMAT: 2020 brought about unprecedented challenges for the academic world on a global scale. However, the COVID-19 pandemic did not manage to freeze scientific activity, and academic communities mobilized to switch from offline to online swiftly and consistently. The present volume, called Effective communication in sustainable societies, is the mere expression of a department’s collective efforts to maintain academic life as performant and vibrant as technology could allow it, under such circumstances. During May 28-29, 2020, the 8th online edition of the International Students’ Conference on Communication took place in the Department of Communication, Public Relations, and Advertising from Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, organized by the Communication and Social Innovation Research Center. The eighth edition of the conference brought together Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. students who contributed to a wide and diverse discussion on communication, and the present volume gathers selected works that reflect their research work in times of a pandemic.
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