CULIC Lorina, HOSU Ioan
Connecting Innovation, Education and Economics

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REZUMAT: The volume, Connecting Innovation, Education and Economics, represents the conference outcome and embodies the authors effort delivered as a number of 32 articles, structured in three sections, that include both research articles or theoretical perspectives, elaborated in Romanian or in English. The first section, entitled Economy, Finance and Public Administration, includes a variety of themes that come together under a common dome. The articles vary in approach and scope of analysis: from analysis focused on the technological development and the advantages for the private and public environment, to the analysis of digital tools useful for the community, to the analysis of the emerging entrepreneurial environment, or analysis of the Covid-19 impact in different fields. The second section, Education, Inclusiveness and Learning, features articles on education and educational processes, affected by the digitization of educational platforms, bringing benefits both for teachers and students, or analysis centered on student’s skills and the role of self-esteem in sports contexts, or approaches centered on consumers and their interaction with digital platforms.
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